nncli(1) ======== Synopsis -------- **nncli** [*options*] *subcommand* [*subcommand-options*] [*args*]... Description ----------- :program:`nncli` gives you access to your NextCloud notes account via the command line. You can access your notes via a customizable console GUI that implements vi-like keybinds or via a simple, scriptable command line interface. Notes can be viewed/created/edited in *both an* **online** *and* **offline** *mode*. All changes are saved to a local cache on disk and automatically sync'ed when nncli is brought online. Options ------- .. include:: usage/genopts.rst .. include:: usage/subopts.rst Subcommands ----------- :program:`nncli` provides the following subcommands: - :manpage:`nncli-sync(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-list(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-export(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-dump(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-create(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-import(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-edit(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-delete(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-favorite(1)` - :manpage:`nncli-cat(1)` Environment Variables --------------------- .. describe:: VISUAL Used to determine which program to open when editing a note. .. describe:: EDITOR Used when VISUAL is not defined to determine which program to open when editing a note. If neither is defined, :manpage:`vim(1)` is used. .. describe:: PAGER Used to specify the program used to open notes for reading. If not defined, the default is **less -c**. .. describe:: XDG_CACHE_HOME Used to determine the location of the local notes database. If not specified, *$HOME/.cache* will be used. .. describe:: XDG_CONFIG_HOME Used to determine the location of the configuration file. If not specified, *$HOME/.config* will be used. See also -------- :manpage:`less(1)`, :manpage:`nncli.config(5)`